A little bug hug.
Finns i shoppen under vår 2010.
Kombinerat med löv från ett gammalt klubbkit
och texter från vår/sommar förra året.
With the new stamps from Alvesta fair/crop.
Are available in the shop under spring 2010.
Combined with a leaf from an old clubkit
and texts from spring/summer last year.
Som vanligt en liten närbild.
As usual a little close up.
Edit 1:
Vem jag väljer kommer under morgondagen, söndag.
Tack tjejer!
Önskar nu alla en toppen torsdag!!
Kram SasSa
Edit 1:
It will be announced during tomorrow, sunday who I choose.
Thanks for participating girls!
Now I wish you all a great Thursday!
Hugs SasSa
Edit 2:
Nu har jag lottat fram vem som ska hjälpa mig
en torsdag framöver och lotten föll på....
Now I have taken a lott on who´s going to help me
a Thursday in a near future and it´s going to be.....
Postat av: Franca
Hi Sassa,
I really love the wonderful stamps and the idea to get the chance to be a guest on your blog. The Hänglars are always so cute and as you know it is not possible to get them here in Germany.
But there are always very lovely people in the world wide net who help each other with stamped images. So I have a little collection and I would like to show you some of my ideas and creations.
Thank you very much
Big Hugs Franca
URL: http://francas-basteleien.blogspot.com/
Men eftersom jag tyckte detta var så skoj :D
så tog jag en till....
But because I thought this was sooo much fun :D
I choose one more...
I would love to be a guest on the blog! Hänglars are my most favorite stamps, they are all so cute! Thanks for the chance. ~hugs, Tammi
URL: http://tropicaldreams-17.blogspot.com/
Till er andra Tack så mycket för era kommentarer!!!
Kanske behöver jag hjälp någon mer gång i framtiden.
Kram SasSa
To you other ladies Thanks so much for your comments, perhaps...
one day in the future I need more help...
Hugs SasSa
Hello SasSa, I would love to be a guest desinger for Hanglar stamps. To me they are just so cute and I have been a fan for a couple of years. I live in the UK but have been lucky enough to have make a fabulous friendship with a wonderful lady in Norway who buys these super stamps on my behalf. We have even visted each others houses and our husband and children have become friends too. All of this thanks to Hanglar and their beautiful stamps.Kind regards Mel
Hallo Sassa oh da würd ich doch auch gerne mal was mit den neuen Stempelchen zaubern ich komme aus Deutschland und liebe hÄnglar,leider habe ich keine Kontakte um an die süßen Stempelchen ran zu kommen!!!Deshalb würde ich mich um so mehr über einen Gast-Designer Auftritt hier freuen!!!
Lieben Gruß drea
Hi Sassa, what a wonderful Idea. I would love to be a guest DT on the Blog, because i love the Hänglarstamps sooo much and i love to create with the images cards, boxes and anything else.
Big Hugs
Hi Sassa,
I really love the wonderful stamps and the idea to get the chance to be a guest on your blog. The Hänglars are always so cute and as you know it is not possible to get them here in Germany.
But there are always very lovely people in the world wide net who help each other with stamped images. So I have a little collection and I would like to show you some of my ideas and creations.
Thank you very much
Big Hugs Franca
This is really a dream. I'm a lucky person, because I do have many Hänglar rubberstamps and I love working with them. For me the Hänglar rubberstamps are the nobility in the rubberstamp-world.
Success with choosing a guest designer!
Det skulle vara mycket roligt att hjälpas åt och få chansen att göra ett torsdags inlägg åt dig Sassa.
Själv bor jag i Holland men som tur är bor brorsan min i Sverige så han skickar ner söta hÄnglar stämplar till mig lite då och då.
Giller hÄnglar stämplarna i massor och det är alltid ett sant nöje att färglägga dom.
Kram Sinikka
Åååå så koselig det hørtesut da - å få være med her inne. DET hadde vært gøy det! Hanglar stemplene er mine klare favoritter, og jeg kan bare ikke få nok av dem.
Ha en fin uke
Klemmer fra
I would LOVE to try
Men vilken kanonkul idé! Det skulle vara en ära att få göra ett inlägg med en hänglar stämpel samtidigt som det är en väldig energikick att få bli utvald. Jag tar en lott och hoppas på tur!!!
kram Pilla*
Åh, så skoj det skulle få vara att bidra med ett litet kort till ett torsdagsinlägg. Jag tar en lott och hoppas på lite tur...
Att få bidra med ett kort till hÄnglarbloggen hade för mig varit en stor ära! De nya stämplarna är så söta!
Hi Sassa, what a wonderful Idea.
I really love the wonderful stamps and the idea to get the chance to be a guest on your blog. I love the Hänglar stamps.
It would be a sweet dream come true to have the chance to be a guest on your blog!
I love your stamps and your cards are beautiful!
Hugs to you,
Så fin
I would love to be a guest on the blog! Hänglars are my most favorite stamps, they are all so cute! Thanks for the chance. ~hugs, Tammi
Toppen fint!!